Costa Firenze

- Shipyard Fincantieri
- Year 2020
- Length 323.63 m
- Beam 37.19 m
- Tons 135,156 gt
- Decks 13
- Cabins 2116
- Passengers 4232
- Crew 1188
- Crew/Pax ratio 1 : 3.56
- Currency EUR, CNY
- Language Italian
- Flag Italy
Costa Firenze is the fifth ship in the Vista class, built by Fincantieri in the Marghera (Italy) factories and delivered in the final days of 2020. It was designed for the Asian market, specifically Costa Cruises' Costa Asia segment, although it made its debut in the Mediterranean because of itinerary changes due to the pandemic.
The ship is decorated in Renaissance style and recalls the artistic beauty of Florence in all its interiors. It has many attractions (even for young cruise passengers), ample shopping areas and some great gastronomic alternatives such as the Hot Pot or La Fiorentina Steakhouse.
Gabriele Bassi
Expérience agréable
Le navire est fantastique, la cabine est fantastique. Le personnel de la cabine, du bar et du restaurant est excellent. La nourriture était très bonne. Nous avons apprécié les activités à bord et les spectacles vraiment magnifiques. Sur le plan organisationnel, tout s'est bien déroulé, il n'y a eu aucun problème et même certaines excursions auxquelles nous avons participé nous ont satisfaits!
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Crociera ai fiordi
Crociera indimenticabile e nave molto bella, pulita. Cibo buono e vario, animazione fantastica, tutto lo staff ottimo, le ragazze che facevano i preventivi erano gentili e sempre pronte a soddisfare le esigenze del cliente, per noi è stata Luiza che ringrazio per averci aiutato a prenotare la prossima crociera cercando di esaudire ciò che volevamo. Crociera e nave consigliatissima, io la rifarei oggi.
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Schiff gut! Essensservice Verbesserungsbedürftig.
Das Schiff
Essen mittelmäßig, sehr lange Wartezeiten am Buffet
ach der zuletzt guten Costaerfahrung haben wir uns diesmal, erstmalig nach Corona, wieder für die ital. Reederei entschieden. Wunschziel Norwegen und preislich, trotz Ferien, attraktiv. Mit der Firenze relativ neues Schiff ab Kiel. Das Schiff ist tatsächlich sehr schön, ital. Stil, knapp 5000 Passagiere. Die Kabine ist Standard, aber absolut ausreichend. Viele Möglichkeiten der Attraktionen, auch für Kinder und Jungendliche. Essen Verbesserungsbedürftig, lange Wartezeiten von bis zu 45 Minuten am Buffet
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
Would you cruise this ship again?
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Value for money
Language assistance
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Schöne Kreuzfahrt -leider mit Covid zurückgekommen!
Es war alles super!
Wir sind ohne Covid aufs Schiff und leider mit Covid nach Hause gekommen!
Wir haben vor der Kreuzfahrt einen Covid-Test gemacht, der negativ war. Am Rückreisetag haben wir zu Hause wieder einen Test gemacht, der leider positiv war. Ist es wirklich okay, dass man keinen Test braucht, weder vorher noch vor dem Einschiffen? Das einzige was nötig war,ist die vollständige Impfung, was aber nicht kontrolliert wurde........
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Wonderful improvement in the middle east
Great new ship in the perfect styling for Costa , wonderful new style restaurants and bars plenty room for privacy
Bit more interaction by officers and the costa club events to be reinstated as they used to be
Cruise number 57 Costa Cruises – Costa Firenze 11th March to 18th March 2022 Cabin number: 7235 - Mid ship , Deck -7 : Suite Total pax : 4500 , Crew : 1278 : Decks : 18 Cruise for 7 nights . Proposed route booked . Dubai / Dubai / Abu Dhabi / Doha / At Sea / Muscat / Dubai Actual route taken due to covid restrictions in Qatar. Dubai / Dubai / Abu Dhabi / At sea / Muscat / Dubai / Dubai. This being our second cruise on Costa Firenze in under 6 months , I was very pleased to see the amazing improvement in productions , cruise director ( Luigi Cougei) and overall service levels across the ship. Having dinner in the Elite restaurant was again a pleasure with amazing service levels by Matre D Sapna , Merlin and servers. All excursions where well handled and on time , it was a wonderful trip seeing the cruise ship operate in a totally different market outside of Europe , Overall a very much improved product, which delivers with the right Cruise Director ( Luigi)
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Alla scoperta di Costa Firenze
Una nave classica e moderna ... volutamente... dedicata alla nostra bellissima città di Firenze negli spazi interni e moderna in quelli aperti. Ho apprezzato molto i Ristoranti principali sia nel servizio che nella cucina e il personale di bordo in generale molto professionale, gentile e attento.
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Costa Firenze: bellezza italiana
nave nuovissima, dotata di ogni comfort, la nuova ammiraglia di Costa Crociere è una nave tutta da scoprire
spa molto piccola
Una settimana su costa Firenze è un viaggio nel Rinascimento italiano, la bellezza di questa nave è stata ispirata da una delle città italiane più belle : Firenze. Ogni ponte richiama all'arte, alla storia della celebre città Toscana. Una delle attrattive da non perdere è il Giardino del fiore, una terrazza panoramica dove godere di piacevoli giornate di sole e tramonti sul mare. Cabine ispirate all'arte fiorentina e molto confortevoli, vi consiglio la cabina balcone per godere di meravigliosi panorami. Ottima la ristorazione di bordo e molto ampia la scelta dei ristoranti: ben 13 che variano dalle specialità orientali (Sushino, Hot Pot e Teppanyaki) alla Steak House (assolutamente da provare), dall'ottima pizza proposta dalla Pizzeria Pummi d'oro, all'alta cucina stellata proposta dal ristorante Casanova. L'intrattenimento a bordo è molto ricco: due volte a settimana vengono organizzate serate a tema speciali nel suggestivo Versilia Sunshine Deck.
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Mediterraneo Occidentale con Costa Firenze
Nave ; Staff e Animazione ; Ristoranti Extra ; Escursioni
Cucina nel Ristorante Principale ; Spettacoli a Teatro
Una bella settimana a bordo dell'ultima nata di casa Costa. Bella la nave, il personale è sempre gentile e disponibile. Tanti sorrisi celati dietro la mascherina. Team di animazione, nonostante i limiti, formato da tanti giovani con tanta voglia di far divertire e intrattenere gli ospiti. Ottima la cucina nei ristoranti a pagamento, un po' carente in quello principale. Gli spettacoli a teatro possono nettamente migliorare, mancano le vecchie produzione "stile Broadway". Molto bravi i cantanti (Talia Alexis in primis, ma anche Frank Mazzeo con il suo tributo a Freddie Mercury) e il team di acrobati con lo spettacolo "Eclissi d'Amore). Escursioni complete e ben organizzate.
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Great new product, some changes needed
Great design , back to the old style Costa that works well . Good food service and style.
Bad entertainment in the theatre , the bars the clubs . Not good at all
Cruise number 55 Costa Cruises – Costa Firenze 21st October to 28th October 2021 Cabin number: 9205 - Forward ship , Deck -9 : Premier Suite Total pax : 4500 , Crew : 1278 : Decks : 18 Cruise for 7 nights Eventually we get to cruise on the brand new ship after a delay in delivery and Covid pandemic. Pushing back this inaugural 3-month season by 18 months. The embarkation went very smoothly from bags drop off to check in, then the full PCR test paid for by Costa Cruises. Got to our suite around 4pm to find our luggage in the cabin and the concierge (Henry) awaiting our arrival. Fruit basket and bottle of Ferrari champagne all a warm welcome. Our Premier Suite was well laid out, very well decorated and structured. Entertainment a total disaster the cruise director not to be seen . Amazing Elite restuarant with wonderful staffing Everlyn, George, Maria and RT fantastic.
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
Ein Stück Florenz auf See
Großartige Auswahl an Restaurants, schönes rundumlaufendes Promenadendeck, herzliche Besatzung, großes Platzangebot.
Büffetrestaurant ohne Selbstbedienung, keine individuellen Landausflüge (beides Corona-bedingt).
Schiff fuhr Corona-bedingt nur mit halber Kapazität, dadurch unglaublich viel Raum für die Passagiere an und unter Deck. Sehr engagierte und hilfsbereite Besatzung.
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
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Value for money
Language assistance
In crociera su Costa Firenze
Bellezza di alcuni ambienti
Costa Firenze rappresenta l'omaggio al Rinascimento di Costa Crociere ed offre al pubblico una nave con ambienti piacevoli, molti locali e delle belle zone all'aperto. Penso che un limite di questa classe siano gli spazi in piscina, sia la centrale che quella di poppa, che pur essendo molto scenografiche penalizzano i posti di solarium. Cucina in continuo miglioramento, sia nei ristoranti che al buffet, finalmente di nuovo disponibile. Molta attenzione anche negli altri servizi, dagli spettacoli alla palestra ai ristoranti di specialità. Personale come sempre molto cortese e pulizia impeccabile. Tre giorni di grande relax, buona tavola e divertimento.
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Gym and Spa
Theater shows
Internet service / Wi-fi
Baby club / Teen club
Guest service
Bar service
Main restaurants quality
Buffet restaurants quality
Speciality restaurants quality
Would you cruise this ship again?
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Value for money
Language assistance
Costa Firenze, bella nave!
Bellezza di alcuni ambienti
Molto bella ed elegante in alcuni ambienti, ho trovato meno gradevoli gli arredi di alcune zone. Più ricca l'offerta gastronomica e serviva veramente per essere al passo coi tempi. Servirebbero dei giorni a bordo per poterla conoscere meglio!
Comfort and design
Comfort and design
Restaurants variety
Restaurants quality
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