Castries Port of Saint Lucia: the agreement with GPH
Global Ports Holding Plc (GPH), the world’s largest cruise port operator, has officially commenced operations at the Castries Port of Saint Lucia (SLCP). The event, marked by a special ceremony at the port’s North Pier, saw the participation of high-ranking government dignitaries and key industry partners.
During the inaugural ceremony, Global Ports Holding Chairman and CEO, Mehmet Kutman, expressed his deep gratitude for the collaboration with the Government of Saint Lucia. On behalf of the company, Kutman stated he was honored to celebrate this memorable moment and to partner with the island’s government to mark the commencement of their cruise port management services at Castries.
The chairman also thanked Prime Minister Philip Pierre, Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ernest Hilaire, Minister Stephenson King, and the entire government team for their dedication and cooperation. Kutman emphasized the importance of the relationship with the local community, thanking all stakeholders for their contributions to the success of this partnership through direct and timely feedback. He concluded that this collaboration would undoubtedly yield abundant returns for Saint Lucia for many years to come.
Porto di Santa Lucia e GPH accordo
Porto di Santa Lucia e GPH accordo (2)
Prime Minister Philip Pierre warmly welcomed this partnership, describing it as a new and significant economic pact. GPH will develop the infrastructure in exchange for a 30-year lease of the cruise port. For the PM, the most important aspect of the agreement is the ability to employ people and improve the quality of life for the people of Saint Lucia.
In his speech, Deputy Prime Minister Ernest Hilaire welcomed GPH as the preferred partner to manage the cruise port and its services. While there have been many doubts expressed regarding cruise tourism on the island, Hilaire is confident in this agreement because GPH knows how to attract visitors and ensure they spend more at the destinations. This is what the entire government team hopes for Saint Lucia: more visitors spending more, elevating their destination to a higher level from a tourism perspective.
GPH’s Regional Director of the Americas, Mike Maura Jr., stated that the inclusion of the Saint Lucia Cruise Port in the GPH global family is a very important step not only for the island but also for the company itself. The Eastern Caribbean Sea, according to Maura, will play a strategic and vital role because Saint Lucia is a destination like no other. The director firmly believes in this agreement and the potential of cruise tourism for Saint Lucia, expressing excitement at having also added a team of Saint Lucians, led by Lancelot Arnold, to their growing regional team.
Porto di Santa Lucia e GPH accordo (3)
Porto di Santa Lucia e GPH accordo (4)
Lancelot Arnold, GPH Director for the Eastern Caribbean and General Manager of Saint Lucia Cruise Port, expressed, on behalf of the entire regional team, the pride of being ready to proceed at full speed. After setting up their offices, the director and his team will continue to manage the cruise port in preparation for the start of the new cruise season beginning in October.
Arnold also spoke about the planned upgrades for the Pointe Seraphine dock in Castries, emphasizing the importance of modernizing the port’s infrastructure to accommodate new and larger cruise ships. This goal will be achieved in the long term by introducing innovative strategies to improve passenger and traffic flow in the area, including the establishment of new docking piers and sea transport services for larger groups. The project itself, according to Arnold, will create more economic opportunities for Saint Lucian entrepreneurs.
Porto di Santa Lucia e GPH accordo (5)
GPH commits to providing regular updates on the progress of this collaboration to keep the community well-informed. Arnold confirms that they have already begun working intensively behind the scenes, committing to keeping the local community updated on all their plans and progress.
Stay tuned for more information and updates on the Castries Port of Saint Lucia on Cruising Journal.