Cruise Experiences

Fun and relaxation aboard Msc Splendida (part 3)

Welcome to the third installment of the experience aboard Msc Splendida, we are halfway through the journey and as when a cruise is coming to an end, I am already feeling a little nostalgic! But, have you read the first and second parts? If the answer is no, run and do so! And enjoy the […] Read more

Fun and relaxation aboard Msc Splendida (part 2)

Our journey aboard Msc Splendida continues, ready to discover my adventures (and misadventures, because sometimes they happen)! If you missed the first part you can find it here, otherwise enjoy continuing! Here we are in Genoa After a pleasant sleep on the soft mattress in my cabin, we wake up on the first actual day […] Read more

Let’s discover Carnival Pride

This is one of six Atlantica/Spirit class ships delivered between 2000 and 2004 by the Helsinki shipyard, then part of the Kvaener Masa Yards group. Two ships went to Costa Cruises (“Atlantica” and “Mediterranea”) and four to Carnival Cruise Line (“Spirit”, “Pride”, “Legend” and “Miracle”) from this lucky class. Why do we say lucky? Because […] Read more

Fun and relaxation aboard Msc Splendida (part 1)

Welcome aboard Msc Splendida, ready to tell you about another cruise experience! This is the second time for me on board Msc Splendida and I must say it was a reconfirmation! I love the fancy class, not that I don’t like the newest ships, but I find this class the best ever, I find it […] Read more

Seven Seas Explorer: A successful cruise (part 3)

Here we are at the end of the story of my fantastic expeience with Regent on board Seven Seas Explorer, you can read the part 1 and part 2 here, otherwise enjoy! This cruise was port intensive and I’m not a fan of port intensive cruises.  In fact my favorite itinerary is a transatlantic crossing […] Read more

Seven Seas Explorer: A successful cruise (part 2)

Welcome back on board Seven Seas Explorer, where were we? You can read the Part 1 here or continue reading! Enjoy! First impressions make lasting impressions and that was certainly the case with Seven Seas Explorer. We entered into the beautiful atrium with music playing (live music would be better) and were met with a […] Read more

Seven Seas Explorer: A successful cruise (part 1)

Here we are on board Seven Seas Explorer, a new story to discover the experience aboard a Regent cruise. This was my first Regent cruise and it was delightful.  I’ll touch on what really impressed and some areas of opportunity as the review progresses.  Suffice to say I would absolutely return to Regent and certainly […] Read more

Msc Seaside: the ship that follows the sun (part 4)

We have come to the end of the story of this experience on board Msc Seaside, if you missed the first parts of the story you can read them hereà (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). Speciality restaurants We are on our way back; MSC SEASIDE circumnavigates the boot in the opposite direction and then […] Read more

Msc Seaside: the ship that follows the sun (part 3)

Here we are again, the last instalment of the Msc Seaside story, we are almost at the end of this experience, but if you have missed part of the story you can read part 1 and part 2 here. Elegant Night Below deck, passengers go shopping or listen to live music from the lobby gallery, […] Read more

Msc Seaside: the ship that follows the sun (part 2)

Welcome to the second part of the account of an experience on board Msc Seaside, where were we? If you missed the first part you can read it here, otherwise enjoy! Slides in Marseille The next morning when Msc Seaside is in Marseille, we find ourselves once again in the ‘Marketplace’ buffet restaurant. It is […] Read more