First time cruisers, here goes some tips!
First time cruisers? here goes some tips from Cruising Journal! Read the cruisers Reviews with Opinions, Photos and Video!
Then the great day has come, embarking and enjoying the time of pure idleness, and you, the reader, is faced with an unplanned problem: the seasickness that the rhythmic swaying of waves causes on the boat altogether with the exaggerations of the first day, a total disaster. I know you will not want to meet the medical services on your day (which are wonderful and we will have a post on it later). So, let’s get the tips for you to survival and enjoy that experience to the fullest.
Getting seasick is very common and you are not alone with the comic book stories, who don’t remembers some character, green faced, and with the hand in the mouth ready to throw up? That is a classic and somewhat comical and ironic scene, isn’t it? For they are made to show that the sea is not for the weak. But today, cruises almost no longer provoke this sensation of coming and going in passengers, with almost imperceptible movements, few are the fortunate lucky who may get seasick. But if you are one of the lucky readers, what should you do?
First, this problem has a name: Sensory conflict. It is not restricted to navigation, it is also possible to suffer from this evil in any mean of transportation. That’s why airplanes have vomit bags in your immediate vicinity. Other symptoms are dizziness, salivation, and the typical chills. Easily confused with the old question, “Is this all fear?” Only those who are suffering really know what they are feeling.
Let’s make it all go away! When you begin to feel dizzy or nauseated, do these exercises: move your eyes, yes, your eyes only. Leave your head still, look around, and then mark a fixed point. This exercise is what ballet dancers use to keep their balance after rolling so much. Finding a fixed point will help keep your sense of direction and stability more centralized. Now that you feel less dizzy, try to get off the edges of the ship. Watching the waves and feel them hitting the ship’s hull, will only leave you more inert in this feeling of “coming and going.” GO TO THE CENTER.
Around center of the ship, do not stay near the kitchen or restaurant. But why? Obvious reasons: the smell of food will only leave you, reader, more and more nauseous. Look for somewhere with good ventilation, little noise (very difficult on a cruise vacation) and good lighting. If you are not able to look around for one of those places, just go and ask for someone on the ship’s crew, they are trained for such events. Do not think that you are the first and only one who has been through this.
Should I take some medicine? Well of course. Antiemetic and anti-vertigo are the best options, if you have not taken it, you will have easily found, mainly, with pregnant women (they are the ones who suffer the most on this kind of trip). Do not think it is strange when you, the reader, walk around a little and are tottering like a tippler, it’s all right.
To end this little script on surviving at sea, I will leave some warnings: Do not go exaggerating the first day, eat and drink like there will be no tomorrow and as if the food of the ship would end or run away. Take it easy. Overeating can be a factor to leave you with nausea and may end up being an inconvenience for everyone. You will have time to do everything, always look for to organize and to make a survey of where each place is and where your cabin is located, so if you exaggerate too much at the party with the commander, it will be easier to return to bed and not have to bother the other crew.
Costa_Diadema_La_Piazza (5)
Spectrum of the Seas
Spectrum of the Seas
Do not be reckless and you will eat out at all restaurants, remember that these places are expensive and made for you to leave your dollars there and you will only realize this when you get home. Even if you are someone with exquisite tastes, reader, give a chance to the ship’s restaurant. The buffet has a tendency to make themed dinners: Mexican night, seafood night … and for free. You’ll prefer to spend a small fortune on a plate of miniature food or eat real food so you can choose what you like and how much you want?
For those curious about quantity, I’ll leave you some numbers to get an idea of how much food there is on a cruise:
– 25 thousand fresh eggs;
– 8 tons of flour;
– 10 tons of meat;
– 8 tons of fish;
– 15 to 20 tons of fresh fruit;
– 3,500 cups of espresso coffee per day.
So, when buying a travel package, always look for the option “all inclusive” to have better control of the expenses, since in these packages you have the right to breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner and evening snack. But no one will forever be strong and will always have a temptation to eat something they like, the desire to eat a pizza always appears at the best moments, especially when we are on vacation and having fun, so why not allow yourself once? But as I warned you, be careful with prices, the bills never come on the high seas, but they are waiting for you over the mainland.
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Spectrum of the Seas
Another point is to walk around the ship. I know it will be tempting to lie in bed, watching movies and not caring about life outside. But you paid dearly to be on that ship, let’s not waste it, reader. If you want to watch movies, go for the ship’s cinema. If you like games, check out the casino (just be careful with big bets) or the main halls with board games. It’s impossible to get bored on a cruise, there’s always something going on, it’s just a matter of looking for what you like.
Finally, reader, I leave the last tip: do not eat something you are not sure will do you good or not. Or something that is far from what you are accustomed to. Remember that you are at sea, away from home, any emergency, it may take some time to find some treatment. But, in the end, enjoy yourself, it’s not every day you’re on a cruise, unless you work in one…
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