Why I like to Cruise – Holiday on the Waves
WHY I LIKE TO CRUISE: Diane Warren gives us the low-down on how she came to love holidays out on the ocean.
Until she met her partner Jim, six years ago, Diane Warren, 54, from London, had never contemplated going on a cruise. She believed, like many before her, that holidaying on a giant liner was the choice of elderly people and it didn’t even occur to her to look into it. She was a funky music lover and liked camping and adventuring. Jim however was already a fan, so she took a chance and she’s been hooked ever since.
Diane, a recruitment consultant and Jim, a builder and lorry driver, are out of the house twelve hours a day, working hard, so what appealed to her immediately was the lack of responsibility.
“It’s all in. So you choose from a huge range of lovely foods and you can literally have whatever you want, as you’ve already paid for it. It’s so hard to stop. Same with the drinks. A brilliant memory for me was being on the Thomson Discovery 2 and there being a fabulous mixologist who made bespoke drinks for everyone. I fell in love with a creamy cocktail called a ‘Miami Vice’ and it was my holiday drink for the whole fortnight. It was bad because I could have as many as I liked!”
As for accommodation Diane is also full of praise. “The rooms are comfy and a good size, whichever standard you choose and the staff literally can’t do enough for you. They tidy your berth twice a day, are friendly and hard working and don’t let you lift a finger. It’s so different from the stresses and worries of home.”
“I just love the 8-10 hour snippets of holiday you get in the different ports of call. You see so much. Plus you meet some great characters on board…”
Diane and Jim
Diane 2
Diane 1
When asked about onboard activities, the vivacious Londoner laughs. “We’re not really up for bingo and quizzes and all that. I’ve heard good things about some of the shows but we don’t go to them either, as we like to be outside as much as possible. When we’re at sea, we usually go to a sundeck at the top of the ship and read. We never get time to just laze and read at home. Plus Jim’s a smoker, so we hang out with the other ‘naughty’ people who like a cigarette!”
Diane also appreciates how well she sleeps because of the sea air “out like a light, every night” and says given the choice, she loves a more traditional, older liner. She and Jim spent last Christmas and New Year on the Thompson Dream in the central Caribbean and she says this ship attracted some of her favourite, most funny guests. (Though I’m guessing the location didn’t hurt much, either.)
Finally I ask Diane what her ultimate cruise would be, if money were no object and she immediately comes up with sailing around Asia, taking in Japan and Australia.
“I don’t care about a big suite but it’s always nice to have a balcony and just a comfy, clean room. The drop-offs would be spectacular, plus I’d go for forty days instead of a fortnight. Then I could truly relax because in the middle of the ocean you can forget about absolutely everything…”
Tracy Whitwell