Nicholas v @Nicholas New Contributor (1) 24/07/2024

A Luxury experience

J'ai aimé

Je n'ai pas aimé


The "Emma Jane" is a luxury cruise ship that offers an unparalleled travel experience, combining classic elegance with modern comforts. I recently had the opportunity to spend a week on board and my experience was exceptional in every way. The interiors are tastefully furnished. The cabins are spacious and equipped with every comfort imaginable. The common spaces, such as the main lounge and dining rooms, are equally impressive, with elegant decorations and attention to detail. The evenings are enlivened by high-quality live entertainment, including concerts, theater and cabaret shows. on board every meal is a culinary adventure with excellent food quality. The service on board was simply exceptional.

Zone de lacroisière
Europe du Nord, Svalbard, Groenland
croisière (8 jours)
Jui 2024
Qui a croisé?
En paires

Embarquement et Débarquement
  • Embarquement
  • Confort et design
  • Nettoyage/Maintenance
Parties communes
  • Confort et design
  • Nettoyage/Maintenance
  • Gentillesse
  • Efficacité
Services à bord
  • Gym et Spa
  • Boutiques
  • Représentations théâtrales
  • Service Internet, Wifi
  • Casino
  • Baby Club / Teen Club
  • Service à la clientèle
  • Divertissement
  • Service de bar
  • Qualité des restaurants principaux
  • Qualité des restaurants buffet
  • Qualité des restaurants de spécialités
Notes finales
  • Voulez-vous faire une croisière sur ce navire à nouveau?
  • Recommanderiez-vous ce navire?
  • Rapport qualité prix
  • Assistance linguistique

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