Joseph c @JoseCoop Contributor (3) 20/07/2024

In the Mediterranean sea with Marella Voyager

J'ai aimé

Je n'ai pas aimé


We sailed in the Mediterranean with MArella Voyager and everything was perfect. The staff were brilliant, they were all very helpful, friendly and never too pushy. Our cabin was very comfortable and had a very spacious balcony. The staff was also very efficient in this case, plus the art of the towels surprised me every evening! The food was exceptional at all the restaurants we tried. There are also several shops on board, small but with savings opportunities. The entertainment as well as live music included theater shows which were absolutely fantastic. I also tried the spa services where I totally relaxed, an oasis of peace. A perfect holiday, can't wait to return!

Zone de lacroisière
Méditerranée occidentale
croisière (8 jours)
Jui 2024
Qui a croisé?
En paires

Ports d'escale: Palermo, Naples, Civitavecchia, Ajaccio, Palamos, Mallorca

Embarquement et Débarquement
  • Embarquement
  • Confort et design
  • Nettoyage/Maintenance
Parties communes
  • Confort et design
  • Nettoyage/Maintenance
  • Gentillesse
  • Efficacité
Services à bord
  • Gym et Spa
  • Boutiques
  • Représentations théâtrales
  • Service Internet, Wifi
  • Casino
  • Baby Club / Teen Club
  • Service à la clientèle
  • Divertissement
  • Service de bar
  • Qualité des restaurants principaux
  • Qualité des restaurants buffet
  • Qualité des restaurants de spécialités
Notes finales
  • Voulez-vous faire une croisière sur ce navire à nouveau?
  • Recommanderiez-vous ce navire?
  • Rapport qualité prix
  • Assistance linguistique

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