Tibo D @tibodeprest New Contributor (1) 11/06/2024

Amazing Experience

J'ai aimé

Excellent price / quality Service in the main dining room Very good looking and well maintained vessel

Je n'ai pas aimé

Buffet restaurant is crowded Staffing at the bars is not really well planned Photographers on board are pushy


This cruise was the first time we tried MSC and after reading a lot of negative reviews we were very curious. We have visited MSC Euribia in Zeebrugge during one of her port calls in 2023 and one week later our trip was booked. Embarkation in Kiel went very smooth. We arrived by own car and booked the parking that MSC offers next to the ship. Once the car was parked we went to the check-in desk and in not more than 30 minutes we were on board MSC Euribia and in our cabin. The overall experience on MSC Euribia was excellent. We had nothing to complain during the entire cruise and our only complaint about one of the neighbours smoking on his balcony was very easily solved and there was a good follow-up from the crew. We were seated in the Aurora Boreale restaurant and the service was perfect and about the food there is nothing to complain about. The only area on board to avoid is the buffet. :)

Zone de lacroisière
Europe du Nord, Svalbard, Groenland
croisière (7 jours)
Mai 2024
Qui a croisé?
En paires

Ports d'escale: Kiel - Copenhagen - Hellesylt / Geiranger - Alesund - Flam - Kiel

Embarquement et Débarquement
  • Embarquement
  • Confort et design
  • Nettoyage/Maintenance
Parties communes
  • Confort et design
  • Nettoyage/Maintenance
  • Gentillesse
  • Efficacité
Services à bord
  • Gym et Spa
  • Boutiques
  • Représentations théâtrales
  • Service Internet, Wifi
  • Casino
  • Baby Club / Teen Club
  • Service à la clientèle
  • Divertissement
  • Service de bar
  • Qualité des restaurants principaux
  • Qualité des restaurants buffet
  • Qualité des restaurants de spécialités
Notes finales
  • Voulez-vous faire une croisière sur ce navire à nouveau?
  • Recommanderiez-vous ce navire?
  • Rapport qualité prix
  • Assistance linguistique

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