World Navigator

- Cantiere West SEA
- Anno 2021
- Lunghezza 126,00 m
- Larghezza 19,00 m
- Stazza 9.300 gt
- Ponti Passeggeri 8
- Cabine 98
- Passeggeri 200
- Equipaggio 117
- Rapporto Crew/Pax 1 : 1,71
- Valuta
- Lingua Inglese
- Bandiera
World Navigator è costruita presso i cantieri WestSea Shipyards e in consegna nel 2021. Una nave da spedizione, destinata a viaggi nell’Artico e in Antartide ma anche in molte altre aree “expediton” del mondo. Ha una capacità massima di 200 passeggeri, ospitate in eleganti suite e con un servizio di alto livello.
World Navigator sarà gemella delle altre navi in costruzione: World Adventurer, World Explorer, World Discoverer, World Seeker, World Traveller, World Voyager.
Gabriele Bassi
Expedition Cruise with World Navigator
A fantastic expedition across the Arctic Circle. Let me start by saying that we couldn't have been more satisfied. Our cabin was a good size with a sofa and two chairs, equipped with all mod cons and with a very comfortable bed. The crew is really friendly, The service, food, ship and entertainment were perfect. The expedition team is really professional, with in-depth lectures. We even did the polar plunge! One of the best cruises we have ever done, I highly recommend it.
Comodità e Aspetto
Comodità e Aspetto
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Baby Club/ Teen Club
Servizio Clienti
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A “tour” in Antarctica
We had a great time on the World Navigator board and have already booked another atlas cruise. Once on board we immediately felt at ease thanks to the kind and friendly welcome from the staff. The food was delicious from the buffet to the restaurant, where waiters and chefs definitely exceeded our expectations. The entertainment was great not only with local artists but also a fantastic crew talent show. The Dome Lounge on deck 7 was my favourite area, there was an incredible view of the scenery.The expedition team was fantastic, you could say everyone was there for passion, in fact all the expeditions were very educational and exciting. The nature and wildlife were just amazing. We met a group of orcas on the trip. An adventure to be experienced.
Comodità e Aspetto
Comodità e Aspetto
Palestra e Spa
Spettacoli teatrali
Servizio Internet e WiFi
Baby Club/ Teen Club
Servizio Clienti
Servizio Bar
Qualità dei Ristoranti Principali
Qualità dei Ristoranti Buffet
Qualità dei Ristoranti di Specialità
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